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Thursday, July 16, 2009

34th St Wall...

Opinions vary about The WALL.
Landmark or eyesore ?
Or more recently thought of
as Gainesville's concrete blog.
I think that suits it best.

Created in 1979 to prevent erosion of the
hill when 34th street was widened.
The wall today is 1120 feet of graffiti covered
concrete. The paint thickness is estimated to
be almost 3/4 inch.. that's a lot of paint over
the years.

The only area in Gainesville that the police won't
issue a ticket or citation for all the wannabe graffiti
artists. As long as you confine your artistic talents
to the wall and are not obstructing traffic.
The most notable panel and the only one that is
maintained is the tribute to the victims of the
1990 student murders.

A frightening and sad time to be in Gainesville.
A time that we will always remember.